Letter from The Feminist Strip Club

The possibility of regulatory change influenced our discussions, and many of the articles in this issue focus on labor conditions and the proposed ordinance changes. Among them, we’re thrilled to include an inside view from a dancer that worked with the City on crafting the proposed changes.

A Stripper vs. the World

The word “stripper” does not define me. The work I do does not determine whether or not I will be treated as someone’s daughter, or sister, or mother. I am these things regardless of what I do, and that can never be forgotten.

Proposed Ordinance Could Go Further

As a progressive city, Minneapolis needs to spearhead better standards for all workers. We can easily achieve this in at least one field by 2020 with the proposed changes to the Adult Entertainment ordinance.

Strippers in City Hall

Sex Workers and The City

We are the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP), and we are a non-hierarchal, consensus-based, autonomous chapter of a national organization that advocates for the human rights of people in the sex trades. We view ourselves as part of the broader coalition of prison abolition and anti-state violence work.

Regulation vs. Reality

Indeed, the long history of sexual use regulation in Minneapolis demonstrates a preoccupation with morality and real estate. What we haven’t seen enough of are regulations that focus on the workers themselves and attempt to address labor issues like workplace conditions, fair wages, and workers’ health and well-being. Regulation and reality clearly don’t line up, at least not from a labor perspective. Individuals in positions of power would do well to listen to those for whom erotic dancing is a career and who are most directly affected by adult entertainment ordinances.